Space Words That Start with R

There are so many astronomical objects out there behaving in mysterious ways that astronomers are still trying to figure out. A brand new set of words and language has to be invented every time something is discovered and that is part of what makes the study of space so interesting. There’s so much out there that is waiting to be found.

The use of mythological and ancient names to name all the objects that are in space has also always given astronomy an air of mystery and wonder that attracts all kinds of people and incentivizes them to look at the sky every night.

There are so many space-related words and terms that it is hard to keep up.

This is why below, we have compiled a list of space words that start with R so you can learn more about the study of the universe. These are words that are related to astronomy and space, if what you are looking for is specifically for name ideas or the names of objects, check out our lists of star names, planets, or constellations. You will also find those sorted by letter.

RadagastAn asteroid named after the fictional character from J.R.R. Tolkien’s works.
Radcliffe WaveA long and narrow overdensity of stars observed in the Milky Way’s disk.
Radial VelocityThe speed at which a celestial object is moving toward or away from an observer, measured by the Doppler shift of its spectral lines.
RadiationEmission of energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves, such as visible light, X-rays, and gamma rays, from celestial objects.
Radio GalaxyA galaxy that emits a significant amount of radio waves, often due to the presence of an active galactic nucleus or other energetic processes.
Radio InterferometryA technique that combines data from multiple radio telescopes to create a high-resolution image, enhancing the clarity of distant objects.
Radio TelescopeAn astronomical instrument used to detect radio waves emitted by celestial objects, providing insights into the universe’s radio emissions.
Rayleigh ScatteringThe scattering of light by particles or molecules in a medium, responsible for the blue color of the sky and the reddening of the Sun near the horizon.
Red DwarfA type of small, cool, and dim star that fuses hydrogen into helium at its core, with a longer lifespan than more massive stars.
Red RectangleA peculiar, reddish-hued nebula surrounding the binary star system HD 44179.
Red Spider NebulaA bipolar planetary nebula in the Sagittarius constellation.
RedshiftA shift of light towards longer wavelengths, indicating the expansion of the universe or relative motion of an object away from an observer.
Reflection NebulaA type of interstellar cloud that reflects light from nearby stars, creating a bluish glow as the light scatters off the dust particles in the cloud.
Regok RegioA region of Venus that includes highland terrain and impact craters.
RegolithThe layer of loose, fragmented material covering the solid bedrock on the surface of a planet, moon, or asteroid.
RegorAn alternate name for the star Gamma Velorum in the Vela constellation.
RegulusThe brightest star in the Leo constellation and one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
RelativityEinstein’s theory of relativity, encompassing both special and general relativity, which describe the behavior of objects in extreme conditions and gravitational fields.
ReticulumA small and faint constellation in the southern sky.
Retina NebulaA faint reflection nebula located near the star Zeta Ophiuchi.
Retrograde motionThe apparent backward motion of a planet in the night sky, caused by the difference in orbital speeds and distances from Earth.
RheaOne of Saturn’s largest moons, known for its icy surface and ancient, cratered terrain.
Rhea SilviaAn asteroid in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Rho CassiopeiaeA binary star system in the Cassiopeia constellation, known for its variability and unusual behavior.
RigelThe brightest star in the Orion constellation and one of the most luminous stars known.
Ring NebulaA planetary nebula in the constellation Lyra, resembling a colorful ring when observed through telescopes.
Ring SystemA collection of particles, rocks, and ice orbiting a planet in a flat, often disk-like structure, forming rings around the planet.
Roche LimitThe closest distance at which a celestial body, held together only by its own gravity, can approach another massive body without being torn apart by tidal forces.
RocketA vehicle designed to propel itself in space by expelling mass at high speeds, obeying Newton’s third law of motion.
Rogue AsteroidAn asteroid that is not gravitationally bound to any star and moves through space independently.
Rogue PlanetA planet that does not orbit any star and instead drifts through space independently, untethered to a solar system.
RosettaA space probe launched by ESA to study the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, providing valuable insights into cometary composition and behavior.
Rosette NebulaA large, circular HII region located in the constellation Monoceros, resembling a rose in shape.
Rotation PeriodThe time it takes for a celestial body, such as a planet or star, to complete one full rotation on its axis, determining its day length.
Round-Ended GalaxyA nickname for NGC 7742, a spiral galaxy in the Pegasus constellation.
Running Chicken NebulaAn emission nebula in the Ara constellation that resembles a running chicken in its visual appearance.
Rupes AltaiA cliff on Mars located in the Altai Scarp region.
Rupes RectaA linear fault on the Moon also known as the “Straight Wall.”
Rupes TenuisA scarp on the Moon located near the crater Letronne.
space words that start with the letter R

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