Planets travel at different speeds along their orbits around the Sun. Said orbits also become exponentially longer the farther away the planet is from the Sun. As a result, the time it takes for each planet in the Solar system to complete one trip around the Sun, or a year as we commonly say, varies greatly.

The calculator below will help you find out what your age would be on Venus. Below, you will find a more detailed explanation of how this is calculated and the numbers that factor into it.

Age on Venus Calculator

Enter your age

Note: the “months” estimated above are found by dividing the planet’s year by 12, like we do on Earth. There is no standard for how long a month would last on a different planet.

How to Calculate Your Age on Venus

When we say that we are going to calculate your age on a different planet, what we mean is finding out the number of orbits that the planet has completed in the same amount of time as your age here on Earth.

Calculating your age on Venus is very simple as we have to do a rule of three. The formula is as follows:

Venus Age = (Earth Age in Years × Earth’s Orbital Period) ÷ Venus’ Orbital Period

Differences between Earth and Venus’ orbits

Earth Venus
Orbit Length (km) 940 million 680 million
Rotation Period (Earth days) 1 (24 hours) 243
Orbital Period (Earth days) 365.25 224.7
Distance to the Sun (million km) 149.6 108.2